#2 Greek Mythology WHICH YOU WOULD FOLLOW?

Monday, July 14, 2014

Hangout Friday!

Sorry for the late post! Our first Hangout Friday recommendation is FULLHOUSE, SUNWAY PYRAMID What a perfect place for one to enjoy a cup of coffee, a tall glass of juice and just read a book! This little cute restaurant is our first recommendation from one of our members who have visited there recently and could not stop talking about it!! A cute little White Garden themed restaurant and cafe which not only can satisfy your hunger but your thirst for good stories as well!

Literature Monday! (#1AsYouGoThroughLife)

Hey Everyone! Allow us to introduce a new segment called Literature Monday. Just a little something to chase the Monday blues away and make you feel inspirational! Feel free to join in the fun a post a poem that suits our theme of the month!!
AS YOU GO THROUGH LIFE! By Ella Willer Wilcox Don’t look for the flaws as you go through life; And even when you find them, It is wise and kind to be somewhat blind And look for the virtue behind them. For the cloudiest night has a hint of light Somewhere in its shadows hiding; It is better by far to hunt for a star, Than the spots on the sun abiding. The current of life runs ever away To the bosom of God’s great ocean. Don’t set your force ‘gainst the river’s course And think to alter its motion. Don’t waste a curse on the universe – Remember it lived before you. Don’t butt at the storm with your puny form, But bend and let it go o’er you. The world will never adjust itself To suit your whims to the letter. Some things must go wrong your whole life long, And the sooner you know it the better. It is folly to fight with the Infinite, And go under at last in the wrestle; The wiser man shapes into God’s plan As water shapes into a vessel.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Review(1) :The Fault in Our Stars

It's finally time for our first book review! Excited? Curious? Well, the first book we're going to share about is THE FAULT IN OUR STARS by John Green. THE FAULT IN OUR STARS (Reviewed by ThooCY) Have you ever wondered how you would live your life when you about to die and knows exactly when your expiration date is? Would you spiral into despair and lock the entire world out or would you embrace everything you have and once had and enjoy life to the fullest? Well, this is the thought that probably ran through the mind of the main character Hazel for thousands of times. Hazel, 16 has all sorts of cancer in her body and her lungs isn't working well, at first she was totally depressed and lost all hope in life but she soon decided to accept her life for what it is. She met a boy at the support unit, Augustus and they soon became more than just friends. They encourage each other and spend most of their time together with all the other cancer ill teenagers in that unit. Augustus has a rare bone cancer, OsteoSacroma but has recently had it all clear. Throughout most chapters, Hazel and Augustus was hand in hand going through a roller coaster of emotions filled with life challenges and good memories. Both of them love the same book by the same author and they dreamt to go see him in person one day. So Augustus surprises Hazel by telling her that he still has his wish (the "Wish" that they grant to dying children) from when he had cancer and lost his leg, and he'd happily use it to take her to Amsterdam to meet Peter Van Houten, reclusive author of An Imperial Affliction to find out the last chapter of the book! How sweet!! However when, they eventually met their idol, he was a total disappointment and they felt crushed and lied to. What's worse was the fact that Augustus finally confessed that his cancer has returned and even more serious than before! Through it all, Hazel was strong and stayed by Augutus side till the very end. At the very end, she learns that Augustus wrote her a eulogy that he sent to Van Houten. The book ends with her reading the eulogy, which states that he hopes that she's happy with the choices she made. Hazel says that yes, she is happy. >> To summarise, this touching and heart warming novel has made me realise that LIFE IS PRECIOUS, and it's up to us to decide what to make of all the struggles, challenges and laughter we have everyday. To smile at every obstacle that comes in our way and to keep loving life even when we know how sad the ending will be. I was deeply moved by this story and I'm sure that everyone who reads it will feel the same way.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

First meeting of the Sem

Today, we discussed about our plan of events for this Sem, and one of the main highlights of this meeting was the initiating of our book review activity. Each month we will be reviewing and commenting about a book! Let's share our adventure the emotions we feel while diving into the pages and let our imaginations take us on a exciting journey together!! Please look forward to it!!


Greetings everyone! Readers' Club is a domain for all book loves and Taylorians alike to spread their passion for reading. Please feel free to leave a comment and help spread news about our club. Hope to see you all soon on our FIRST MEETING OF THIS SEM! Date: 22/7/2014 TUESDAY Time: 4pm-5pm Venue: To be confirmed