#2 Greek Mythology WHICH YOU WOULD FOLLOW?

Friday, August 22, 2014

Quiet - The Power Of Introverts In A World That Can't Stop Talking

Book Review #4 Written by, Lam Thian Yin Quiet - The Power Of Introverts In A World That Can't Stop Talking
In this book that takes focuses on the people that we tend to neglect most of the times , or what society is moulding us into avoiding , author Susan Cain reveals some shocking facts about introverts and how significant their impact is on everyday life. Susan rose to become a global icon after her TED talk on the power of introverts went viral on YouTube , hitting the mark of 2.5 million view worldwide just recently. She spoke on how every 1 out of 3 people in the world were quiet introverts , and how American society were treating them as outcasts , because as like many other things , we shall learn how American culture is , and how it rose to become the world's most extroverted nation. Ten years in the making , Quiet focuses on the science behind what makes introverts introverts , using famous people such as Steve Wozniak ( Apple's co-founder ) and Al Gore ( Former American vice-president ) as great examples on introverts who have left their mark on the world , and the basic mechanisms of working with introverts at work , at home , and during day-to-day interactions. Quiet also shares an interesting bit on how Asian culture differs from Western culture in their favoritism towards being introverts. Of course , we as Malaysians know far better as to what that means. Being in America twice myself , I have seen true examples of extroverts - energetic , vibrant , big risk takers , but on the other hand , big talkers who act before they think , sometimes for the worse. Of course , there is never a universally correct or wrong way to live life , and being an extrovert does not necessarily mean that you're a person with all muscle and little brain. Acting before thinking can be seen as taking up opportunities and trusting oneself to fulfill them. What Quiet focuses on is how to create balance , how to create ambiverts which are said to have the best of both worlds. They know how to control when to be extroverted ( such as in taking up challenges OR public speaking ) and when to just stay true to their introverted nature ( such as in one-to one interactions where introverts are much better at ).
Although it might seem that everyone is able to be an ambivert in a utopian world , but sadly it is easier said than done. Most people aren't born ambiverted , so it is not worth it to become something that is not true to our nature. Quiet instead focuses on how introverts are to survive in the modern age since they seem to can't get a word in edgewise. One of the solutions put forth by this book is to be what is called a pseudo-extrovert , which is to learn how to stand up for oneself in corporate environments , or basically , be more extroverted to make sure they don't lose out in the climb towards the top of the corporate ladder. Yet once they reach home , it is important that they return to their natural introverted state of being. This is because the science of human behavior as also stated in Quiet has shown that people who live outside of their own true character for far too long tend to have higher stress , are more prone to migraines , cardiovascular diseases , etc. Please don't be mistaken that Quiet is a book on how to be manipulative and win in life. To me , it has given me a whole new perspective towards introverts. Instead of shunning them , I open myself to talking and interacting with them , and believe me , introverts are so much more fun to talk with. They are great listeners and also speak with intellect and heart. I believe that with the power of introverts and extroverts working together , some famous pairs being Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak ( co-founders of Apple ) as well as Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. , miracles can be created.

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